Project Description

Work Description: Construction of 13 no’s of new storage tanks, related pump station, loading facility,  pipelines, substation and administration buildings. Ustay’s scope covers all the Civil Works of those items, which can be described as follows: • Leveling, excavation and filling Works of tank areas• Soil improvement Works as using Jet-grouting method• Foundation of all tanks (all reinforced concrete Works, membrane laying, anchorage fitting, etc.• Construction of Retaining Walls, which retaining tank areas for different level of tank areas and separating tank areas• Construction of all pipe racks, sleepers and their foundations• Construction of Substation Building and Administration Building• All Reinforced and Steel structure works of Pump station and Loading Facility


SOCAR Turkey Akaryakıt Depolama A.Ş.


Aliağa – İzmir / TURKEY